One of the main reasons I decided to attempt to run a 1/2 Marathon in each of the 50 states is to see every state in the USA. There are so many places I have a desire to visit all around the world however right now I have more of a stateside budget. Traveling for my runs also takes time to plan and have off work. I am lucky enough to have a job which doesn’t require me to work Monday through Friday. I’m not sure how anyone likes that schedule. Instead I have a hospital schedule. We have long hour days, but have to work less than three to four days a week to be full time.
It is fortunate that I am able to have this time off to follow a dream of mine, and that I have a job which pays enough for me to rent vehicles and get hotel rooms or Airbnbs. Not everyone has this luxury, including my fiancé. He does make enough, and I would likely save money if he were to travel with me on every trip but he has one of those Monday through Friday jobs and limited vacation time. Also, there are places he isn’t so interested to see. I mean, I don’t know what I expect to see when I go to somewhere like South Dakota or Kansas.

I research before my trips to find something interesting to do in states that aren’t exactly full of tourist attractions. Also, my fiancé isn’t interested in seeing big cities and buildings, he would much rather go on some sort of outdoor adventure while we are traveling. So, either due to differing schedules or interests, this means I have to travel by myself to some locations.
I never really traveled alone before I started running these races. I always had someone I went along with. Now that I have had a few experiences alone I have some thoughts about my solitary travels.
One thing I found enjoyable was being able to go see what I want without having to worry if the other person wants to do the same thing or not. I am able to go at my own pace, eat when and what I want to eat and be completely selfish in all of it. I can listen to the music I want to hear or have total silence where all I hear are my own footsteps.
That can be sweet, or lonely at times. I was looking over the most amazing views of the Grand Canyon and all I could do was take pictures. There was no one to share that with. I have seen some of the most beautiful sights and wished that I could have shared them with my fiancé, my son, my sister, or a close friend. There wasn’t even a signal for me to be able to video call or FaceTime anyone. Although it felt a bit lonely, the experience was mine alone. Made only for me at that time.

One of my best moments was when I was walking around downtown Seattle. Everywhere I went was exactly where I wanted to go. I went to the Museum of Pop Culture and got to geek out in the Sci-fi section for as long as I wanted and didn’t have to worry about boring the other person or having to stay longer than I wanted. I watched the coolest music video on a massive screen and didn’t feel rushed to get up and see something else. I was able to experience my time with no pressure to move.

I walked 8 miles of the southern rim of the Grand Canyon! There were a few times that I was nervous being by myself. I tried to stay away from the rim, but you get pretty close to the edge at times and it can get pretty windy. On my Grand Canyon solo adventure, I met a really cool 80 year old man who was a runner and got to learn some interesting running things from him on our bus ride back to the parking areas.
I traveled to Colorado by myself in June 2019. I drove around the Rocky Mountains, listened to John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High, and excitedly awaited the arrival of my sister to join me for the race we decided to run together. Pikes Peak was interesting. On the way down, they check your breaks to make sure they are in good condition due to the decline. Colorado mad me realize just how much land is out there. I was between giant mountain ranges and there wasn’t a person in sight. Incredible.

I have yet to have any terrible moments traveling alone for a race. There are things I would love to share with others, but I am also happy that I’m not scared to experience things on my own. I do make sure that I don’t put myself in any risky situations such as going out to bars, picking up hitch-hikers, or stopping to help someone with a flat tire or broken down car.
I’m looking forward to my future solo travels. We are always surrounded by noise and different things competing for our attention, so it feels therapeutic to have some alone time. Although, I do want more travels with my family as opposed to going alone.