My Favorite Songs For Running

We all have different tastes when it comes to music as well as if we do or don’t run to music. Personally, I really enjoy listening to something while I run. I’ve tried many different genre’s for running and find that music basically boils down to preference for what motivates you.

Here is a list of some of my favorite songs and why I like running to them.

Eminem’s Move Yourself is one of my favorites! It has a great beat to run to and makes me want to keep going. I read that Micheal Phelps would listen to this song before competing at the Olympics. That’s enough of an endorsement for me!

I don’t listen to a lot of Brittany Spears’ music but she does have a song that really makes me want to work. It’s Work B**ch! (See what I did there?) I don’t necessarily want a Mazerati, but I would like the hot body she speaks of and that takes a lot of work! Her song also has a great beat for running.

This next song will seem out of place on this list, but for me, it has a great beat for running at a easy pace. The Eagles have a lot of great songs so it’s no surprise that I found one I enjoy listening to while out for a run. I Can’t Tell You Why.

Young the Giant’s song, My Body isn’t about running but I think maybe it can be. It has a great chorus that really makes you keep going when your body is telling you to stop but you don’t cause you feel awesome after a long run! Listening to it now makes me want to get up and go for a run.

Sometimes we find that we just need someone telling us to just keep going and pick up one foot and put it in the front of the other. I think The Raconteurs does this with Steady As She Goes. It reminds me to just keep going and you’ll get there soon enough.

I think it is obvious that a lot of the music I listen to while running motivates me in some way. David Guetta’s song Titanium featuring Sia does that very well. There are times when I am running and feel bullet proof and other times that I really wish someone would shoot me!

Sometimes I just like a good beat with catchy lyrics that make me happy. Fitz and the Tantrums’ song Roll Up is exactly that for me. If I weren’t running to it, I’d probably get up and start dancing to it.

The last song on my short and not at all inclusive list is Ok Go’s Here it Goes Again! Of course it’s on this list, I mean they shot their video all in one shot on treadmills! I love this!

I hope some of these songs might be added to your playlist and help keep you going while you are on your next run! Tell me which songs you run to me so I can add them to my list.

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