Are you thinking about running your first half with a more experienced runner? Maybe you are the experienced runner and have a friend who wants to try running a race with you? What an honorable situation to be in. Someone trusts you with experiencing a monumental occasion with them. This might give them the desire to run more, or it could leave such a bad taste in their mouth that they never want to try again. That sounds kinda heavy, sorry. Here’s my experience running a half marathon with a first timer!

Many months back, I jogged with a girlfriend of mine, Bina. She wasn’t a runner but was fit and exercises to stay in shape. We were out the evening before and I let the ladies I was with know that I wouldn’t be drinking because I had a 9 mile run scheduled for the next day and I don’t drink the day before I run. Jokingly, I asked any of them if they wanted to come with me and everyone resisted, except Bina. She readily accepted my invitation to run the furthest she has ever run in her life. The next morning came around and I let her know that I did not expect her to run the full 9 miles, and we could run less, like maybe 5 miles. I think she was kinda relieved.
She ran like a champ! We didn’t go very fast cause I really wanted her to like running with me and no one likes feeling like they are dying because they are running balls to the walls. She was able to jog the full 5 miles and said she thought she might give running a try! I was so happy that she was considering doing the thing that I loved! My hope was that I gave her a positive experience by showing her that you don’t have to be the fastest person in the world and can enjoy running. I let her know that speed comes with time and training.
We spoke a few times about doing a race together and finally decided on the Savannah Rock n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon. The race boasts 14,000 runners and walkers with 10,000 of them finishing the half marathon. Wow! She was the first to sign up. By this time, Brett had asked me to be his wife and we had set a date for our wedding. So, my motivation to do all the things I wanted to do with running, traveling, and wedding planning was waning. I couldn’t let her down though. I signed up for the run. We found an AirBnb and booked it. It was officially on!
Bina and I took my car down to Savannah. The first place we stopped was the race expo. This was huge! People were piling through the doors, the lines were long, and there were tons of vendors filling the convention center! I was so excited. Listening to Bina talk, I remembered how I felt during my first race, the intimidation in her voice and words. It is hard for me to think of her being intimidated by anything. She is so smart and always confident. I assured her that there will be people of all shapes, sizes, and running all different kinds of paces.

We went to bed early and woke up early. The start of the race was about 1 mile away. It was a chilly November morning. We walked briskly in the direction of all the other crazy people who got up at 4:30 to go run a ridiculous distance for a t-shirt and race “bling”. We got into our corral together. A woman was on a microphone asking if we were ready to rock! Hell yeah we were! It took about 9 minutes after the first elite runners took off for our corral to start.
We didn’t start at a fast pace. We pointed out the funny shirts and commented on outfits. Bands were set up along the way to keep us rocking along. Then it happened, Bina had to use the port-a-potty. Of course I waited! There was no way I was going to worry about my time. I wanted to run with my friend the whole way. Even though I have a goal of not using the bathroom while running a half, I decided to go ahead and break it this one time.
We only really stopped to walk one time. I think that was about 6 miles into the race. She kept going after that because I told her she could only slow her pace instead of walking. It worked, she ran the rest of the race.
During her training, the furthest she ever ran at once was 10 miles. When we approached the 10 mile point, I pointed it out and said, “After we get there, you will have run the furthest you have ever run at one time in your life! That is something to be super proud of!” I tried to keep encouraging her and would tell her every 40 minutes or so to eat a goo to keep carbohydrates in her blood stream.
We ran through the historic part of the city, past the huge homes and beautiful English Oak trees with the Spanish moss gently swaying in the slight breeze. The sky was slightly overcast and it was still cool outside. The race was so popular, we were always surrounded by other runners who were running at about our pace. We turned a corner and could see the end! During the last tenth of a mile or so, I told her to give it all she had, pick up her knees, and finish strong! She did it. Bina finished her first half marathon!

It was so fun to share one of my favorite things to do with a dear friend of mine. She wasn’t sure she wanted to try another right after finishing but has come around and wants to race the Las Vegas Rock n’ Roll half marathon with me! Racing with a friend was a great experience. I really am looking forward to running with more friends in the future.