What Is A Drop-Off Bag And What Goes Inside It?

If you haven’t ever run a long race such as a half or a full marathon, you may not be aware of bag drop-offs and what to even put into them that you might want after the race. At the races, there is a place to leave a bag you bring with you that they will keep for you and give back to you when you finish the race.

Some people are minimalists and choose to only put car keys and maybe a phone in one but others keep more in their bags based on previous race experience. Here is a short list of some things that might be helpful to take along and keep in your drop off bag.

Body glide. You won’t likely carry it during the race but may want to apply it just before the run instead of an hour or so before the race when you are getting ready to leave.

You may want to keep a recovery drink, or drink mix for after the race. Many of the races will have water or gatorade and banana’s but if you have something you specifically like, it’s good to have it available to you. 

I also keep a thick sharpie marker and a roll of brown paper tape for my bag, similar to paper tape. Some races want your name and bib number written on the bag. I keep the tape for when I use my usual bag to write my bib number on it. See, your last name isn’t going to change but the bib number will always be different. You won’t need to use it every race as some races want the bags they provide to you to be used but the marker tends to come in handy. Many people have asked to use mine.

If you are planning on sticking around after the race for festivities, a little deodorant and baby wipes go a long way! Of course you won’t be the only person who has that “I just finished running for a couple hours” smell but it doesn’t mean you have to continue to carry it around with you.

Dry clothing to either change into or put over you after you finish. I once went to a race which was located on an island and the only way on the island was by Ferry. I wish I had brought some clean clothing so I could have felt comfortable staying longer to explore. Instead I left to get cleaned up. I remember thinking how good it would have been had I just brought some clean clothes.

Don’t forget pins for your bib the morning of the race. Likely there will be pins available when you pick up your bib but I’m sure that having a couple extra in the bag doesn’t hurt and certainly doesn’t take up any extra room. I have helped some people out in the past carrying a couple extra with me.

After you finish the race, your feet will likely be sore. You have just pounded the pavement with them for many miles. Bring recovery sandals with you. Your feet will thank you for them. Many runners I have met swear by them. Personally I like Oofos. Your feet will be able to dry and have less impact on them. They really have earned the break.

Bringing items in a drop-off bag is a personal matter and really depends on what you might feel you’d like to have after you finish running. There are no rules, only suggestions. Just know that it is available and useful!

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