I’m not even sure where to start when I describe running in the Asheville Half Marathon at the Biltmore Estate. It seems like every single race I run in is different and I learn something new. I suppose I chose to run in this race because I needed to cross off North Carolina and I really was interested in seeing the Biltmore Estate.
The night before the race I posted on social media that I was in Asheville for the race the next day. My very best friend from high-school, who I hadn’t seen in maybe 8 years or more got in touch with me just after my post and let me know that she lived only about 30 minutes away! I was so happy. We met up for dinner and she brought three of her children. I was able to hold her sweet baby daughter. How I have missed when my son was that little. At nineteen, they don’t want to be held and are too heavy anyway.
The morning of the race the temperature was 31 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, I was raised in the suburbs of Chicago where it gets ridiculously cold outside. It would feel like no amount of clothing was enough to keep you warm. Although it wasn’t Chicago cold, I was not bundled up for that weather and neither was anyone else who was running. This time I did jog a little to warm my muscles up. Even while racing, at times I was cold in places on my body that have never been cold before. They opened up a big barn with heaters for the runners to wait in, along with some other areas I didn’t go to. There were so many people there. Each day of the race, they only allow 1,525 contestants to run which still seems like a lot.

Normally I try to chose a race that is flat and this was not that course. There were plenty of hills along the way. That was a little intimidating to me but ended up not being too bad after all. I was a bit slower running up the hills but think I made up for it on the way down. It really balanced itself out for me.
The course was very beautiful, as one would expect. The estate grounds were massive. We ran through fields with farm animals in them, next to streams, through beautifully manicured gardens which I truly want to see when they are in full bloom, and of course past the actual home. It looked like a castle one might see in Europe. I did stop to try to take a selfie but have to admit that I don’t feel very attractive while I’m running, so I wasn’t about to post it here! I’ve seen people who do look attractive running though. My whole self looks like its suffering.

Along the course there were different aid stations with groups competing to be voted as the best. They had different themes and the competitors were able to vote for their favorite after the race. It is always nice to have someone in a t-rex outfit cheer you along while they are dancing! Anyone who is out there trying to make me laugh as I’m running is an awesome person in my mind. There were also plenty of boxes along the way for runners to drop clothing as they ran and the temperature warmed up. I left a coat in one hoping I could find it after the race was over.
The last part of the race was along an un-paved path. I felt really great the last couple miles. I remember passing a man who was walking and said to him, “Come on, run with me.” He talked a little and I briefly spoke back trying to encourage him that he was almost done and to just keep running. Then a fast marathoner run past us which I feel made that guy feel down about himself. I tried to tell him not to compare himself because that other guy probably runs marathons regularly. He stopped running and started walking again. I tried.
When I finished, I was awarded my medal and glass and attempted looking for my jacket. I knew that I had to be out of the hotel shortly after the race, so I chose to leave the coat and try to come back after a shower and checkout. The ticket we used to get in that morning was still good to get back on the estate for the rest of the day. I found my coat and decided to look at the shops and walk around the estate before I drove back home. I picked up my little knick knack from one of the stores before leaving. Because you were required to purchase a ticket beforehand, I chose not to tour the actual home. That was also something I wanted to do with Brett and my son at another time.
One the drive back home, I took the scenic route through the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was very pretty. My knee started giving me trouble on the way back. In my vehicle, I wasn’t able to ever adjust the seat properly so that my knee didn’t hurt when I drove long distances. I later traded in that SUV for a convertible. Now I have no more knee problems and a convertible!
This race was incredible! I made a PR here and learned that I don’t mind hills as much as I thought I would. The landscape was all you could ask for. My hat is off to the organizers of this race as well. It flowed so smoothly and I would definitely consider running it again!